This Sunday our second recorded session went live that we recorded at our June SDN Event in Zeist (NL). Last week we had the keynote by Richard Campbell but this week is the first session of two by Brady Gaster:
Visual Studio Code has been getting a lot of positive attention in our industry since its introduction. The small install size and speed of the product make it an attractive option for developers who want a better coding tool, but where VS Code really shines is in its ability to allow developers to extend it. In this session, you’ll be introduced to the idea of developing extensions for Visual Studio Code, walk through a few demos and get a glimpse of the object model in the product so that when you have an idea that begins with "I wish Visual Studio Code could…" you’ll have the knowledge and information you need to dive in and make the best little coding tool around do whatever you want.
We had Brady in our SDN Cast show number 36 last year where he introduced us to the Azure Tools for Visual Studio Code for the first time. This was a great introduction and we asked him to join us at our SDN Event and were very happy that he agreed to jump in to fly over all the way from Microsoft’s Seattle Area to our little country.
So here it is, his first session at the event – the second will follow in two weeks so stay tuned! Click the link above to watch the session in its full length.
You can even go over to Brady’s GitHub account to get the PowerPoint and notes for the session:
And if you still have questions, just ping him at Twitter account @bradygaster …
There was only one thing that disappointed me, and that was that we didn’t even found time to discuss the musician in him. I’m a bass player myself so I’m sad we didn’t bring this up … oh well, a good reason to invite him again some other time . A very social friendly guy and a pleasure to work with!