SDN Cast 64 – Live at 8 with C# 8 and Android 8


Lucky 8, this week is themed number 8 … We are broadcasting the Dutch SDN Cast 8 squared = 64, Mads Torgersen was interviewed by Seth Juarez on C# 8 discussing features like Nullable Reference Types, Async Streams, Default Interface Implementations and Extension Everything. C# 8 is still in the planning phase but as with previous releases Mads shares the things the C# team are thinking about to put in the next release. Features obviously may be dropped or can be changed for the final release but the recording shares a lot of new stuff with the public already.

Also, Android 8 aka Android Oreo was released this week. Another 8 for us to consume. The Dutch Android site is still on Android Nougat but setting the locale to United States changes the site to Oreo.

Another big thing this week is Gamescom, where Microsoft opened the pre-order for Xbox X aka Xbox Project Scorpio. With this Xbox is opened for any games developer. Xbox used to be closed for development unless you were one of the certified game developers. This restriction is now lifted and only thing you need is a Dev Center account that you can purchase for $20 one-time fee.

Another demo this week, this time Skype integration on your website with two lines of code. How to easily put Skype interaction on your site, to living persons or even bots.

Where can you find our 64th episode of our Dutch SDN Cast?

Did you subscribe our Dutch SDN Cast channel already?

Subscribe your YouTube channel if you don’t want to miss a single broadcast. Usually we will broadcast on Thursday evenings at 8 PM but there can be a change of plans where we need to move to another time or day. So to be sure Subscribe to our channel on YouTube or go to to see when the next episode is due.

Other news:

A Preview of C# 8 with Mads Torgersen

· [05:37] – Nullable reference types

· [16:30] – Async Streams

· [26:13] – Default Interface Implementations

· [32:11] – Extension Everything

Angular v4 TypeScript Snippets

Git vulnerability with submodules

Android 8.0 Oreo

Apple: New Beta Downloads Now Available, Beta 7

CodeRush 17.1.7 Released

Rider 2017.1.1 is released

Taking feedback


Events this Week


MvvmCross .NET Summer Hackfest, August 21st to September 2nd, 2017

Upcoming events

Google Developer Days Europe – September 5-6, Krakow, Poland

Wazug – September 7 2017, Hilversum

Microsoft Edge Web Summit 2017 – September 13, Online

MixUG – Development Event – 13 September, Gouda

Xamarin Dev Days – 16 September – Amsterdam

DevIntersection Europe, September 18-20 – Stockholm!

.NET Conf – 19-21 September

Microsoft Envision – September 25-27 – Orlando

Ignite 2017 – September 25-29 – Orlando

Hybrid IT Event – September 26 – Maarssen, NL

4DotNet Events – Xamarin Event – 28 september, Nieuwegein

MixUG – Eindgebruikers Evenement

SDN Event 3 – 6 October 6, Zeist, NL

TechDays October 12-13, 2017 RAI Amsterdam

SharePoint Saturday Belgium 2017, October 21, Brussels BE

SharePoint Unite – October 24-26, 2017, Haarlem

Dev Intersection, October 30- November 2, Las Vegas!/

Web Summit – 6-9 November 2017, Lisbon, Portugal

Visual Studio Live! November 12-17 2017 Orlando, FL

As usual we are always looking for presenters for our own events and Meetup’s so if you want to share something about hot technologies or just about something you implemented at work or in an App that could be interesting to our audience let us know so we can schedule you for one or our next SDN events or Dutch .NET Group Meetups.

This off course also goes for if you want to write a great article for us to publish in our SDN Magazines or at our SDN Website. The downside of publishing a magazine article is that there can be sometime between writing the article and publishing the magazine. So, if it is time critical sometimes the best option is to publish it on the website to get more speedy attention to the article.

As you see, options enough to address your audience with top notch information. You can even, if you like, be our guest in our SDN Cast shows to discuss the projects you are working on or other topics you master. We will instruct you how to connect with us and what it is you need to join the show.

Hopefully we will see you at our weekly web cast, for the schedule go to for next week’s announcement to find out the day and time of our next broadcast or go to to watch old episodes and videos that we recorded at our events. Don’t forget to subscribe our YouTube channel or go directly to YouTube not to miss any of our shows!

Xbox at gamescom 2017 Live


Anybody who knows me, knows that besides Technology and Programming I’m very much into Gaming, Music and Movies. Not that I have much time for gaming, it still is one of my ‘big’ things. The technologies used in games often arrive years later in ‘real world’ scenarios. I always wanted to be a games developer (don’t we all?) but ended up to develop Office applications Disappointed smile … Almost the same isn’t it?

I do make (a lot) of time for movies, I have an ‘all you can eat’ subscription for the local cinema and forces me to walk over there instead of driving to keep me a bit healthy. In a way the movie is the ‘reward’ for the walking effort.

Anyway, back to gaming. I’m looking forward to hear and see what is going on with Xbox X (Project Scorpio) and expect to get more information today from gamescom.

Today at 9:00 PM CST, 12:00 PM PDT Xbox @ Gamescom will be broadcasted live from the venue in Germany showing off the news and games for 2017-2018.

You can watch the streams live at:

  • Stream with English Closed Caption:
  • Stream with English Open Captions (burned in video):
  • Stream with German Open Captions (burned in video):

  • Also follow the newsfeed on Twitter by keeping an eye on hashtag #XboxGC

    Have fun!

    source: Tune In for Xbox @ gamescom Live This Weekend 

    Week 9 – SDN Cast News, looking for the answer with André Obelink

    SDNCast 42

    With the twentieth anniversary of Visual Studio and the forty-second broadcast of our Dutch SDN Cast we speak with André Obelink on the subject of VB (Visual Basic) and the future of it. Forty-two is also the answer to life, the universe and all according to the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Enough reasons to check out the recording on YouTube for this week.

    André Obelink is Microsoft MVP and author of six books, five covering Visual Basic and the sixth written with co-author Sander Gerz on C#.

    You can find André Obelink at several places such as
    Twitter: @obelink

    A returning question by many developers is will Visual Basic be around in the near future and if so where will it be positioned by Microsoft. A valid question, as it often appears that also with Microsoft Visual Basic seems to be the ‘forgotten’ language. APIs, sample code and documentation is released for C# at first and following a bit later the VB submission (sometimes we are still waiting for VB equivalents to arrive). We discuss all of this in depth, so if you are Dutch speaking look at this week’s Dutch SDN Cast.

    Next to Visual Basic several other subjects get by, from the light-hearted topics such as Xbox Gaming to the very extensive exercise to write books and again – is there a future in book writing.

    All in all enough topics making it well worth to jump to YouTube and watch the recording of the 42nd Dutch SDN Cast if you haven’t already watched it live last week.

    Where can you find SDN Cast 42?

    Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you won’t miss a single episode. Usually we are broadcasting live on Thursday evening 8PM GMT+1 in the winter but it might change depending on how things go that week. If you want to be sure you better subscribe to our channel on YouTube or go to to discover when our next show will be planned. It will show you when the next show is starting.

    News of the week

    Azure Command Line 2.0 now generally available

    TFS 2017 Management Pack

    Microsoft System Center Management Pack for Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2017

    Announcing the Xbox Live Creators Program

    Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 15042 Released

    Getting Started with a Mixed Reality Platformer Using Microsoft HoloLens
    Node v7.7.1 (Current)
    Node.js 7.7.0 contains a bug that will prevent all native modules from building, this patch should fix the issue.

    To relax a bit … Nintendo Switch


    Events This Week

    Game Developers Conference – February 27 – March 3rd – San Francisco

    Events Next Week

    Visual Studio 2017 Launch, March 7-8 – Online

    Visual Studio 2017 Local Events, March 7 – April 30th



    Info Support

    Upcoming events

    REST-full APIs with ASP.NET Core – March 14, 2017 – Gouda

    AKKA.NET & Docker Deployments – March 16, 2017 – Eindhoven

    SDN Event 1 – Zeist – March 17, 2017

    You can already register, so put it in your scheduler and register!

    Serverless Compute, March 23, 2017 – Quintor, Amersfoort

    Microsoft Tech Summit – Amsterdam, March 23-24, 2017

    Build – May 10-12, 2017 – Seattle

    Techorama – May 22-24, 2017 – Antwerpen, Belgium

    WWDC 2017 – June 5-9, 2017 – San José

    DevSum 17 – June 8-9, 2017 – Stockholm

    Microsoft Data Insights Summit – June 12-13, 2017 – Seattle

    NDC Oslo – June 12-16 2017 – Oslo

    E3 – June 13-1, 2017 – Los Angeles Convention Center

    SDN Event 2 – Zeist – June 23, 2017

    Ignite 2017 – September 25-29 – Orlando

    SDN Event 3 – Zeist – October 6

    We hope you like to watch our SDN Casts. We try to keep up with the news in about an hour a week. You hear what is new and get fun demos on technology and Software Development that you can use in your daily job.

    Don’t forget to Subscribe to our channel as we can get a better URL to remember our channel if we reach the number of subscribers needed to add this and make your and our lives a bit easier! And if you haven’t heard if you are the number 100 Subscriber you get something in return! Subscribe:

    Go to the website and check when our next broadcast will be!