Hit Refresh arrived on my Kindle today – Update

Hit Refresh Released

In my previous post around Hit Refresh, Satya Nadella’s just released book:

I mentioned:
BTW, it appears all Microsoft employees received a signed copy … maybe we can get him to sign a couple of them at the next MVP Summit!

Well apparently I was a bit early with preordering so now I already bought and received the book even though I was offered a complimentary copy of the book yesterday as well. So I lost my money on the book? Hell no, Satya is donating all of his proceeds from Hit Refresh to Microsoft Philanthropies.

I still would like to see the option to get Satya to sign a hardcopy for us at the next MVP Summit though … and given that it’s for a good cause I’d even buy the hardcopy to sign as well 🙂

Hit Refresh arrived on my Kindle today

Hit Refresh Released

A while ago I preordered Hit Refresh on Amazon:

It’s the book by the ‘new’ Microsoft CEO. I’m interested to read it and see how it compares to the books by Bill Gates. My guess is that it is a complete different type of book, but we’ll see. I downloaded it on my (Android) phone so I can dive in whenever I have a minute to spare Smile.

BTW, it appears all Microsoft employees received a signed copy … maybe we can get him to sign a couple of them at the next MVP Summit!

Microsoft’s Satya Nadella’s book Hit Refresh

Hit Refresh

Satya Nadella wrote a book about the transformation of Microsoft and his journey coming from India as a child to the Executive role he now performs within Microsoft. I think it is a tradition CEOs write books, Bill Gates had a few (these days he is more into reading books and sharing his book picks every now and then in lists on his blog)

I just pre-ordered Satya’s book, to see how this is different from the books I read earlier published by Bill Gates. My guess is that it will be of a complete different order. We’ll see, it will arrive on my Kindle when it is released September 26th.

The book is now on preorder here:

* Be aware that the link is using my Amazon affiliate tag and I will get filthy rich Smile if you use that so I can buy more computer books and blog even more about interesting technologies! But don’t worry it won’t cost you anything extra …