TechDays NL 2017 – Conference Impression


Last two days Marcel Meijier, Fanie Reynders and I, the SDN Cast team, spent our time at the Dutch TechDays 2017 in the RAI conference center in Amsterdam to talk to technology specialists and build, just like last year, an impression video of the conference.

The conference is a two day high speed, drink from the firehose, technology event with a great selection of speakers and we had a great time, learning, networking and driving the Beam Robot Camera around at the venue.

We have been shooting many videos and footage with interviews, robot cam interactions and cherry on the cake – the impression video. We collected all the videos and assembled them into a nice short impression worth watchin, even if you didn’t make it to the conference. It is fun to watch so here it is:


It is hard work to get all the videos and equipment up and running, doubled our hours in double day shifts as our work also continues leaving not much time to sleep and catching up -both work and sleep- in the weekend.

There is however nothing more satisfying than being around a great bunch of people at a conferences like this. A couple of thousand or more developers walking around at ‘the show’, good company to be with.

We hope you like it as much as we do and see you at one of the next Software Development events where or whenever we are invited again.

SDN Cast 70 – SDN, Microsoft and Google Event News


Due to the third SDN Event last week on Friday October 6th we were a day early with our weekly Dutch SDN Cast. Usually we broadcast on Thursday but this week we had to shift things a bit, so we broadcasted on Wednesday. As usual we pick up our foreign speakers from the airport the day before the SDN Event and bring them to their hotel to stay the night.

You can’t ask the presenters to travel large distances all on one day, can’t you? For this reason, we moved the SDN Cast a day earlier and didn’t skip the web cast because you don’t want to miss the weekly news either don’t you agree? News just goes on and on, SDN Event or not.

And news there was … a lot of it! Besides the annual hardware event by Google there was the Microsoft Mixed Reality event the day before. Would it be a coincidence? Microsoft’s event was completely focused on Mixed Reality announcements. Some sort of a special on Mixed Reality headsets, HoloLens and MR software.

Other than the already announced headsets Microsoft this event showed off the new Samsung Mixed Reality headset that will become available soon. But more important was the vision Microsoft showed us with regards to the Mixed Reality future developments. All available in the soon to be released Fall Creators Update.

With this Fall Creators Update Microsoft will also include the Windows Mixed Reality home – the Cliff House. In this virtual space you can move and design the spaces with your apps and holograms.

Another thing that was announced is that Microsoft acquired AltSpaceVR and the SteamVR catalog will soon be available from the Mixed Reality world of Windows. Currently already available for developers in Preview.

Somewhat later, the day after, Google held its annual hardware event. Many of the details already leaked as we discussed last week, but now we officially were introduced to the announcements and no need to speculate over the details. A whole slew of new devices, the new Pixel 2, Google Home, Google Buds, Google Clips and the new Chromebook to name a few.

For both events I’ve added the links in the show notes below in this article so you can go back and watch the events again.

We haven’t decided yet what day we will go live with SDN Cast 71, maybe again on Wednesday but another option is live from the TechDays event in Amsterdam. Go to for more information on the exact date and time.

Where can you find our 70th episode of our Dutch SDN Cast?

Our YouTube channel:

Did you subscribe our Dutch SDN Cast channel already?

Subscribe your YouTube channel if you don’t want to miss a single broadcast. Usually we will broadcast on Thursday evenings at 8 PM but there can be a change of plans where we need to move to another time or day. So to be sure Subscribe to our channel on YouTube or go to to see when the next episode is due.

Other news:

Meetup group .NET Oost

Azure – New Logo

Microsoft joins the Open Source Initiative

TypeScript Turns 5

Roslyn Primer – Part I: Anatomy of a Compiler

.NET Framework 4.7.1 Runtime and Compiler Features

The Book of the Runtime – The internals of the .NET Runtime that you won’t find in the documentation

The era of Windows Mixed Reality begins October 17

October 4th – Google Event
A few new things made by Google


Events this Week

Microsoft Mixed Reality Event

Google Pixel 2 Launch Event 2017 – Live Stream
Google Pixel 2 Launch Event 2017 – Live Stream

SDN Event 3 – October 6, Zeist, NL

OpenHack Amsterdam, October 9-11, Amsterdam

Upcoming events

Windows Developer Day – October 10, London, UK

TechDays October 12-13, 2017 RAI Amsterdam

SharePoint Saturday Belgium 2017, October 21, Brussels BE

SharePoint Unite – October 24-26, 2017, Haarlem

Azure OpenDev

Dev Intersection, October 30- November 2, Las Vegas!/

Firebase Dev Summit – Amsterdam – October 31st

Microsoft Future Decoded – London, UK – October 31st-November 1st

Azure IoT Community, November 2nd, Nieuwegein

Web Summit – November 6-9 2017, Lisbon, Portugal

Visual Studio Live! November 12-17 2017 Orlando, FL

MixUG – Eindgebruikers Evenement – November 29 – Gouda

NgEurope, February 1-2, 2018 , Paris – France

MVP Summit 2018 – 4-7 Maart – Seattle

Global Azure Bootcamp – 21 April

Techorama, 22-24 mei 2018, Antwerpen, België

Experts Live 2018 – 19 Juni 2018

Ignite 2018 – 24-29 September 2018 – Orlando

As usual we are always looking for presenters for our own events and Meetup’s so if you want to share something about hot technologies or just about something you implemented at work or in an App that could be interesting to our audience let us know so we can schedule you for one or our next SDN events or Dutch .NET Group Meetups.

This off course also goes for if you want to write a great article for us to publish in our SDN Magazines or at our SDN Website. The downside of publishing a magazine article is that there can be sometime between writing the article and publishing the magazine. So, if it is time critical sometimes the best option is to publish it on the website to get more speedy attention to the article.

As you see, options enough to address your audience with top notch information. You can even, if you like, be our guest in our SDN Cast shows to discuss the projects you are working on or other topics you master. We will instruct you how to connect with us and what it is you need to join the show.

Hopefully we will see you at our weekly web cast, for the schedule go to for next week’s announcement to find out the day and time of our next broadcast or go to to watch old episodes and videos that we recorded at our events. Don’t forget to subscribe our YouTube channel or go directly to YouTube not to miss any of our shows!

Hit Refresh arrived on my Kindle today – Update

Hit Refresh Released

In my previous post around Hit Refresh, Satya Nadella’s just released book:

I mentioned:
BTW, it appears all Microsoft employees received a signed copy … maybe we can get him to sign a couple of them at the next MVP Summit!

Well apparently I was a bit early with preordering so now I already bought and received the book even though I was offered a complimentary copy of the book yesterday as well. So I lost my money on the book? Hell no, Satya is donating all of his proceeds from Hit Refresh to Microsoft Philanthropies.

I still would like to see the option to get Satya to sign a hardcopy for us at the next MVP Summit though … and given that it’s for a good cause I’d even buy the hardcopy to sign as well 🙂

Hit Refresh arrived on my Kindle today

Hit Refresh Released

A while ago I preordered Hit Refresh on Amazon:

It’s the book by the ‘new’ Microsoft CEO. I’m interested to read it and see how it compares to the books by Bill Gates. My guess is that it is a complete different type of book, but we’ll see. I downloaded it on my (Android) phone so I can dive in whenever I have a minute to spare Smile.

BTW, it appears all Microsoft employees received a signed copy … maybe we can get him to sign a couple of them at the next MVP Summit!

Transfer ownership of the service to Microsoft


NuGet just announced, by word of Jon Galloway (.NET Foundation) and Karan Nandwani (Microsoft) in their blogpost that NuGet transferred ownership of the service to Microsoft:

Changes to service management, and performance improvements in China

What this means is that in order to maintain a solid response time of the NuGet service this service has been transferred to Microsoft.

One of the main reasons was the lack of performance for instance in China. My guess is that this is related to the way the Chinese government manages the data infrastructure in China and requires parties to comply to certain regulations. Microsoft obviously has a better position in China to provide services over there.

Keep in mind that is not transferred as a whole, quote:

“The NuGet open source codebase (both the NuGet gallery and the NuGet client) will remain open source and continue as .NET Foundation supported projects under the same terms as before.”

Hopefully we will see an improvement of the NuGet service response times (as said, especially .NET developers in China will benefit significantly) and all will remain to be good.


Fall event: Microsoft Future Decoded

Microsoft Future Decoded

Microsoft will most likely announce their new Surface devices or other new stuff in London, UK on October 31th this year.

At least this is the rumor that arrived at the internet this week. As we all know, these announcements are usually (over the last couple of years) done by Panos Panay, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Devices.

And guess what … Panos is also mentioned on the Microsoft Future Decoded website as one of the keynote speakers among many other hot shots from the company.


According to the website (see above) this event will provide you a view forward in the future to present you “an inspired vision of the digital business of tomorrow”.

Not sure if the ‘hardware event’ will be separate from this one, but my guess is that this will be the event showing the new devices (and as said the vision for the upcoming year).


So, be nice to your piggy bank as there are new money burners to expect in about two months! 

Microsoft’s Satya Nadella’s book Hit Refresh

Hit Refresh

Satya Nadella wrote a book about the transformation of Microsoft and his journey coming from India as a child to the Executive role he now performs within Microsoft. I think it is a tradition CEOs write books, Bill Gates had a few (these days he is more into reading books and sharing his book picks every now and then in lists on his blog)

I just pre-ordered Satya’s book, to see how this is different from the books I read earlier published by Bill Gates. My guess is that it will be of a complete different order. We’ll see, it will arrive on my Kindle when it is released September 26th.

The book is now on preorder here:

* Be aware that the link is using my Amazon affiliate tag and I will get filthy rich Smile if you use that so I can buy more computer books and blog even more about interesting technologies! But don’t worry it won’t cost you anything extra …

SDN Cast 65 – Alexa and Cortana Integration


Amazon and Microsoft announce to continue to work together and added integration between Alexa, Amazons smart IA interface, to communicate with Cortana, Microsoft’s smart girl – the other IA Interface in both directions.

It should be possible soon to open Cortana’s interface from Alexa and ask Cortana when your next meeting is scheduled, or to reschedule your appointment if you can’t make it and you want to move the appointment to another time or place.

The other way around you could open Alexa’s from Cortana to order some stuff on Amazon. Both domains are really extending each other and with that extending their scope of applications. It would allow you to create your own Cortana Skill using Cortana Skills Kit or develop Alexa skills with the Alexa Skills Kit to connect your own platform to both smart bots.

Some other news items we discussed this week was about the sneak preview of the upcoming release of XLPublish and the next version of UWP Community Toolkit. We want to try to get Dick Moffat on the show again so he can give us a demo of their new product.

Where can you find our 65th episode of our Dutch SDN Cast?

Did you subscribe our Dutch SDN Cast channel already?

Subscribe your YouTube channel if you don’t want to miss a single broadcast. Usually we will broadcast on Thursday evenings at 8 PM but there can be a change of plans where we need to move to another time or day. So to be sure Subscribe to our channel on YouTube or go to to see when the next episode is due.

Other news:

The UWP Community Toolkit v2.0


TFS 2018 RC1 is available

VSTS Update – Aug 28

Hey Cortana, open Alexa: Microsoft and Amazon’s first-of-its-kind collaboration

Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.4 Preview


Events this Week

MvvmCross .NET Summer Hackfest, August 21st to September 2nd, 2017

IFA 2017, Berlin, Germany

Upcoming events

Google Developer Days Europe – September 5-6, Krakow, Poland

Wazug – September 7 2017, Hilversum

Microsoft Edge Web Summit 2017 – September 13, Online

MixUG – Development Event – 13 September, Gouda

Xamarin Dev Days – 16 September – Amsterdam

DevIntersection Europe, September 18-20 – Stockholm!

.NET Conf – 19-21 September

Microsoft Envision – September 25-27 – Orlando

Ignite 2017 – September 25-29 – Orlando

Hybrid IT Event – September 26 – Maarssen, NL

4DotNet Events – Xamarin Event – 28 September, Nieuwegein

MixUG – Eindgebruikers Evenement

SDN Event 3 – 6 October 6, Zeist, NL

TechDays October 12-13, 2017 RAI Amsterdam

SharePoint Saturday Belgium 2017, October 21, Brussels BE

SharePoint Unite – October 24-26, 2017, Haarlem

Dev Intersection, October 30- November 2, Las Vegas!/

Web Summit – 6-9 November 2017, Lissabon, Portugal

Visual Studio Live! November 12-17 2017 Orlando, FL

As usual we are always looking for presenters for our own events and Meetup’s so if you want to share something about hot technologies or just about something you implemented at work or in an App that could be interesting to our audience let us know so we can schedule you for one or our next SDN events or Dutch .NET Group Meetups.

This off course also goes for if you want to write a great article for us to publish in our SDN Magazines or at our SDN Website. The downside of publishing a magazine article is that there can be sometime between writing the article and publishing the magazine. So, if it is time critical sometimes the best option is to publish it on the website to get more speedy attention to the article.

As you see, options enough to address your audience with top notch information. You can even, if you like, be our guest in our SDN Cast shows to discuss the projects you are working on or other topics you master. We will instruct you how to connect with us and what it is you need to join the show.

Hopefully we will see you at our weekly web cast, for the schedule go to for next week’s announcement to find out the day and time of our next broadcast or go to to watch old episodes and videos that we recorded at our events. Don’t forget to subscribe our YouTube channel or go directly to YouTube not to miss any of our shows!

Cortana and Alexa collaboration


While Cortana still isn’t available for the Dutch, development is not standing … Microsoft and Amazon just announced their collaboration effort to integrate Cortana with Alexa and vice versa

The idea is that you can now order your stuff through Amazon using Cortana by asking Cortana to buy your stuff on Alexa, Amazon. The other way around you can ask Alexa to open Cortana and tell you what is on your schedule for today or to reschedule your meeting if you won’t be able to make it.

To enhance this, you should be able to create your own Cortana skills and Alexa interactions so start thinking about what you could do with this before this is opened later this year!

SDN Cast 57, Layoffs – Timeline – Window App Studio vs Windows Template Studio


Traditionally this week, the week of July 4th, is a quiet week. Many Americans have a small break to celebrate their national holiday. Not so quiet this week due to another tradition where Microsoft releases a press release for the start of the new fiscal year to announce all sorts of restructuring measures.

This time no press release, but the news was leaked from an internal memo. And not one without effects, the memo mentioned the release of thousands of sales (mostly international) people. This may sound as a high number, but on a total of 120,000 it is not that high – still very painful for the ones who concerns it and will be hit by the memo.

Another item emerged from the Interwebs last week. The rumor was spreading that Windows Timeline (“Pick up where you left off”) and the Cloud Clipboard (copy somewhere, paste everywhere) among other features were delayed and will not be released in the upcoming “Fall Creators Update” for Windows 10.

All of these features were announced by Microsoft at the biggest developer conference early this year allowing everyone to think that these features would be released at Redstone 3, aka “Fall Creators Update”.

Joe Belfiore, @joebelfiore, confirmed in a tweet that these features are delayed until somewhere next year.

On the area of developer news, it appeared that Windows App Studio is being sunset, in other words about to be canceled. As alternative, the at Build 2017 announced Windows Template Studio will be provided.

These and other news items (see below) we discussed in our Dutch SDN cast this week. As you may already know by now after over a year of weekly SDN Casts we discuss the latest news and events in the show.

Where can you find our 57th episode of our Dutch SDN Cast?

Did you subscribe our Dutch SDN Cast channel already?

Subscribe your YouTube channel if you don’t want to miss a single broadcast. Usually we will broadcast on Thursday evenings at 8 PM but there can be a change of plans where we need to move to another time or day. So to be sure Subscribe to our channel on YouTube or go to to see when the next episode is due.

Other news:

Timeline delayed until after Fall Creators Update
But also Cloud Clipboard won’t be in there either.

Microsoft plans thousands of job cuts in a sales staff overhaul to fuel cloud growth

Windows Hello in Token, a biometric ring

Self-Service Deployment with Windows Autopilot

Windows App Studio being sunset

A Wiki preview on VSTS

Perf results on scaling Git on VSTS with GVFS

Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.3 Preview

Visual Studio 2017 Release Rhythm

Microsoft’s acquisition of Cloudyn will help Azure customers manage and optimize their cloud usage

Free online courses

PaperCall – Event Organizers support


This week’s events

Inspire July, 9-13 – Washington D.C.

Next Week events

Inspire July, 9-13 – Washington D.C.

Upcoming events

Faculty Summit 2017: The Edge of AI – July 17,18 Redmond, WA

Agile 2017 – August 7-11 2017, Orlando FL

Wazug – September 7 2017, Hilversum, nl

Ignite 2017 – September 25-29 – Orlando

Hybrid IT Event – September 26 – Maarssen, NL

SDN Event 3 – 6 October 6, Zeist, NL

TechDays October 12-13, 2017 RAI Amsterdam

SharePoint Unite – October 24-26 2017, Haarlem
Super Early Bird:

Visual Studio Live! November 12-17 2017 Orlando, FL

The question may be familiar by now, we are always looking for presenters for our own events and Meetup’s so if you want to share something about hot technologies or just about something you implemented at work or in an App that could be interesting to our audience let us know so we can schedule you for one or our next SDN events or Dutch .NET Group Meetups.

This off course also goes for if you want to write a great article for us to publish in our SDN Magazines or at our SDN Website. The downside of publishing a magazine article is that there can be some time between writing the article and publishing the magazine. So, if it is time critical sometimes the best option is to publish it on the website to get more speedy attention to the article.

As you see, options enough to address your audience with top notch information. You can even, if you like, be our guest in our SDN Cast shows to discuss the projects you are working on or other topics you master. We will instruct you how to connect with us and what it is you need to join the show.

Hopefully we will see you at our weekly web cast, for the schedule go to for next week’s announcement to find out the day and time of our next broadcast or go to to watch old episodes and videos that we recorded at our events. Don’t forget to subscribe our YouTube channel or go directly to YouTube not to miss any of our shows!