Announcement – Crashplan Home Discontinued


Code 42 just announced that they will discontinue their Crashplan Home services:

Darn … I was using this service for several years now and was quite happy with the silent, off premise backup for all of my machines for a fairly low annual fee. Now I have to go out again and find another service comparable to this one Sad smile.

One of the benefits was that you could run a headless backup from your Synology servers and I’m not sure there are others doing the same thing. Code 42 is going to focus on business users only:

Maybe, I need to look into it, I just move over to the small business option if the options and the price is right. One thing is certain … I will lose some time on this to research what to do next for backup …. oh well …

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sale

Traditionally in the US stores tend to provide huge discounts on all sorts of stuff that you don’t need or don’t want to buy. There are however a couple of offers that I don’t want to hold back on as I either already use the product or just purchased it myself and think could be a benefit for you as well:


The first offer that I just purchased myself is the CrashPlan+ or CrashPlan+ Family Unlimited plan (I purchased the Family plan). It offers you a backup plan in the cloud to ensure your valuable files are in a safe location just in case something bad happens to your local storage. You can get the offer at and it started today for free but it will become more expensive as time goes by. I got it for  $8, it’s now $12 as I write this down and will go up to the 42% discounted price on Monday! Still not bad … after that it will go up and discount is dropped.


The second offer, and you’ve seen it here in the years before, is a 50% discount on everything and this offer ends Monday 26th. Axialis offers great tools to build your custom icons and integrates with Visual Studio. If you want to save time Axialis also provides a shipload of stock icons ready for you to use in your applications.

Both offers are only valid between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, so if you want to enjoy the products and save a lot of money on some excellent tools there is only one thing you can do … Hurry!