Xbox at gamescom 2017 Live


Anybody who knows me, knows that besides Technology and Programming I’m very much into Gaming, Music and Movies. Not that I have much time for gaming, it still is one of my ‘big’ things. The technologies used in games often arrive years later in ‘real world’ scenarios. I always wanted to be a games developer (don’t we all?) but ended up to develop Office applications Disappointed smile … Almost the same isn’t it?

I do make (a lot) of time for movies, I have an ‘all you can eat’ subscription for the local cinema and forces me to walk over there instead of driving to keep me a bit healthy. In a way the movie is the ‘reward’ for the walking effort.

Anyway, back to gaming. I’m looking forward to hear and see what is going on with Xbox X (Project Scorpio) and expect to get more information today from gamescom.

Today at 9:00 PM CST, 12:00 PM PDT Xbox @ Gamescom will be broadcasted live from the venue in Germany showing off the news and games for 2017-2018.

You can watch the streams live at:

  • Stream with English Closed Caption:
  • Stream with English Open Captions (burned in video):
  • Stream with German Open Captions (burned in video):

  • Also follow the newsfeed on Twitter by keeping an eye on hashtag #XboxGC

    Have fun!

    source: Tune In for Xbox @ gamescom Live This Weekend