TechDays NL 2017 – Conference Impression


Last two days Marcel Meijier, Fanie Reynders and I, the SDN Cast team, spent our time at the Dutch TechDays 2017 in the RAI conference center in Amsterdam to talk to technology specialists and build, just like last year, an impression video of the conference.

The conference is a two day high speed, drink from the firehose, technology event with a great selection of speakers and we had a great time, learning, networking and driving the Beam Robot Camera around at the venue.

We have been shooting many videos and footage with interviews, robot cam interactions and cherry on the cake – the impression video. We collected all the videos and assembled them into a nice short impression worth watchin, even if you didn’t make it to the conference. It is fun to watch so here it is:


It is hard work to get all the videos and equipment up and running, doubled our hours in double day shifts as our work also continues leaving not much time to sleep and catching up -both work and sleep- in the weekend.

There is however nothing more satisfying than being around a great bunch of people at a conferences like this. A couple of thousand or more developers walking around at ‘the show’, good company to be with.

We hope you like it as much as we do and see you at one of the next Software Development events where or whenever we are invited again.