Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17017 for PC

RS4 Windows 10 Insider Preview 17017.1000

While we were at the Dutch TechDays 2017 event (see our short video impression here) Microsoft also released a new Insider Preview Build 17017.1000 to the Fast Ring and to the Skip Ahead Ring. Apparently these two rings are now slowly merging into the general ‘new’ Fast Ring.

According to comments on the Insiders blog the teams are now about to start checking in new code into these rings shortly so although there still is not much new to these builds they are preparing to provide you new stuff soon.

In this build there are a couple of new things though. There are the new Cortana Collections, Simplifying actions between Cortana and Action Center and third, new Startup Settings.

The Insiders blog discusses all three items, so no need to repeat that here just go to their blog: 

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