Office Development – Live Coding

SDN Cast - Live Coding - Office Development 1

Last two years I have been webcasting every Thursday at 8PM GMT+1/CET on our SDN Cast with my buddies Marcel Meijer, Fanie Reynders and recently added as fourth member Gerald Versluis. In this webcast we on a weekly base discuss the news, events on Software Development and added some demos. Usually the webcast was in Dutch but when we had international guests we shifted to English.

Running the webcast is fun, informal and sometimes high level on discussions when talking about Software Development. Last couple of weeks Fanie Reynders and I have been researching to extend our webcasts with actual live coding sessions. Fanie is focusing on his expertise dotNET Core and I am focusing on Office Development.

Hopefully we will also bring in Gerald Versluis coding on Xamarin and related stuff.

So, starting last Tuesday I started (and planned to do this every next Tuesday in the upcoming weeks) my first Live Coding session on Office Development. Basically I started with where I started blogging about the ‘new’ Office Add-ins

Older Office Development Blog Posts starting here:

A lot of time went by, and what I liked to do is looking back on my blogposts and see if they still can stand the shift in time all the way to 2019.

In my first Live Coding session I immediately jumped in to building the first Word Add-in in two ways, one in Visual Studio 2019 (Preview!) and one using Yeoman. I did realize however that I probably should have discussed a bit of starting information first, just like I did in my blog posts. I might jump back a bit in the next Live Coding session next Tuesday February 5 (Click <- to see when this will be in your location)

SDN Cast - Live Coding - Office Development 1 YouTube 

You can find the recording of my first Live Coding session here on YouTube:

Also you can find another recording on Twitch:

If you want to follow our Live Coding events (and other SDN Cast webcasts) make sure you subscribe on YouTube or follow me on Twitch!

My weekly Live Coding – Office Development webcasts will always be in English (as far as my English goes that is, pretty sure you’ll get the Dutch dialect for free Smile) so everyone in theory should be able to follow what I am doing. It is still work in progress.

Fanie and I are still researching and working on the streaming tools, there is a lot going on producing live webcasts so don’t kill us if we get a crappy chatroom or other bad widgets in the first couple of weeks Winking smile.

Hope to see you in our next Live Coding sesions!

“Let’s Encrypt” Azure Web Apps (and renew your certs through automation!)

We already ran into this twice, our @SDNCast website was down again as our SSL-certificates expired. The certificates are only valid for three months by default so every time after three months this would happen again.

Also, and Google actively started to ‘block’ so called ‘unsafe’ websites as of today, more and more browsers will refuse to open these ‘unsafe’ websites, so we had to find a solution for our beautiful website to keep our website containing our weekly SDN Cast recordings in the air.

If you think, as I did until today, that your website does not contains information that you need to protect by using HTTPS, think again! The point is, it is not that you are leaking information, but it allows others to inject information into -your- website that could be malicious or simply incorrect.

To convince you, watch this video from @TroyHunt :

I won’t go much into detail on what HTTPS (HTTP Secure) is or what SSL or TLS is. There has already been written enough on this that you can find on the Interwebs, but I’ll add some reference links below this article in order for you to look at if you want to know more about it. For now, it’s just about how to get it to work and make sure that it keeps working.

Our SDN Cast website runs in the ‘Cloud’, in Azure to be precise, and runs there as an App Service. It appears that there is an extension available that allows you to request for an SSL certificate and keeps it up to date even after three months so it automagically renews the certificate when needed.

This extension uses the services of Let’s Encrypt.

Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated and open Certificate Authority (CA) and was specifically created to support the public in providing free certificates. It’s a service provided by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG). The idea is to get at as many places as possible with not too much effort and most and for all at no costs to provide the Internet with digital certificates to build a safer and privacy respecting Web.

What do you need to do?

· Get an SSL-certificate supporting App Service

· Create a Service Principal

· Allow the Service Principal access to your App Service

· Create a Storage Account

· Install the Let’s Encrypt Extension

· Configure the Extension

Supporting SSL and Custom Domains

Not all App Service levels allow you to use Custom Domains and/or SSL. So, make sure you are on the right level of your selected App Service and see if you can use it on your level. If not? Level Up! It’s still relatively cheap and the chance is that you already in the right level but just did not enable it. Well that changes today!


In general, you can say that the Basic Tiers are offering the options already. The Free and Shared Tier are not supporting this at the time of writing so if you selected that one previously you will need to scale up and upgrade to a higher Tier to enable this.

Create a Service Principal

To allow you to request or renew certificates without the touch of a Human you will appoint a Contributor to your App Service that you create in your Azure Active Directory. So, what you are doing is creating a Service Principal (a set of credentials) that will allow you to do the work for you whenever a new certificate is needed through automation.

1. Open Azure Active Directory (make sure you work from the right tenant and select the tenant where the App Service is located if you have more than one tenant)


2. Go to App registrations and create a New Application Registration



Make sure you selected All apps in your List box, otherwise you won’t see the registration after creating the registration:


In the process of creating the Application Registration you enter the Name for the Service Principal, select Web app/API at Application Type and think of a specific URL to enter at Sign-on URL.

This URL is not validated so it can be any sub domain for the site you are creating your SSL-certificates for. In my example I used , a non-existing URL.

3. Create the Application Registration


After creating your Registration it will appear in the list:


The Service Principal is unique identified by the Application ID. Take a note, write it down, you’ll need it later.
Select the Application Registration and in the screen that opens select Settings:

4. Create a Key


Under Settings select the option Keys. We now will add a Key that will be used to authenticate the Service Principal. 


Enter the Description, think about the lifetime for expiring – how long do you want the Key to be valid and click Save. On saving the Key the Value will be generated. Again, make sure you write down this value as you will need it later in the process. If you don’t and/or forgot the Value, you will need to create another one as they can’t be handed to you after closing (and try to remember this time!). 


That’s all, the Service Principal has been created and now we assign it to the Resource Group running the App Service to allow the Service Principal to access the Resources.

Providing access to the Service Principal

Now you created the Service Principal it should get access rights as a “Contributor” to the Resource Groups containing the App Service Plan and the App Service. If they are both in separate Resource Groups add the Service Principal to both Resource Groups.

1. Open Access Control at the Resource Group


2. Click Add to add the Service Principal as ‘Contributor’ of the Resource Group:


3. Enter the Role by selecting the Contributor role, providing access to Azure AD user, group, or application and select the Service Principal you just created by selecting it from the list under Select:


4. Click Save to assign the permissions:

Create a Storage Account

To keep track of the certificate state Let’s Encrypt extension uses a Storage Account. You need to create this if you haven’t already done so (you could use an existing Storage Account, but it needs to be one of the Generic types, Blob Storage alone is not enough).

1. Create the Storage Account.

Select from the list of Azure Resources the Storage Account Option and create it


2. As said, make sure the Storage Account kind is created with Generic Purpose.


3. Copy the Connection string from the first key key1, this value will provide access for the Let’s Encrypt extension to the Storage Account. Select and copy the Connection string (there is a lot to remember as you can see .


4. Go to your App Service and select Application Settings:


5. Now add two twee Connection strings with the names: AzureWebJobsDashboard en AzureWebJobsStorage
Each of these settings will be in the form of

Make sure your connection strings don’t end with the part This -is- part of the Connection String you just created at the storage account, but you need to remove this to make it work otherwise it will fail.


Add the Let’s Encrypt Extension

Now that we have done all the preparations, it all looks very complex but if you look back afterwards it will become a bit clearer to you and you’ll see why it was needed.

1. Select the option Extensions from your App Service options and click Add to select the extension:


2. Select the Azure Let’s Encrypt extension. There used to be three, there are now only two, the one without and the one with Web job that takes care of renewing the certificate. At the time there where three where the story goes that the 64 bits version wasn’t all too stable. At that time, I selected the 32 bits version but today there is just the option to pick the extension with the Webjob:


3. Accept the Legal Terms by clicking OK


4. And another OK to finalize it


The extension has now been added to the App Service but to properly initialize and run it you need to restart the App Service otherwise you’ll see some issues in the next few steps.


5. Open the selected extension that you just added and click the Browse button to fill out the properties needed for it to run: 


6. Entering all the authentication properties needed to run the WebJob properly is our next step. These will be added by the extension to the App Service.


7. Tenant ID, this is the tenant ID that belongs to the Resource Group and looks like


8. Subscription ID is the ID of the Azure Subscription, you can find this on the Subscriptions Blade:

9. Client ID is the Application ID of the Service Principal that you wrote down earlier in one of the steps above.

10. Client Secret is the Service Principal Key that you kept for later use just like the Application ID.

11. Enter the Resource Group name of the App Service and the Service Plan. Usually they will be the same, if not enter them separately for each Resource Group.

12. The WebAppName is already there by default, the SiteSlotName can be kept empty and the Update Application Settings should be enabled by checking the checkbox to checked.

13. Make sure everything is entered properly and click Next:


14. At this time the settings will be applied:


15. An overview is shown with the settings that it found. At this time, you should see the Custom Domain names applicable. Right now, they are still not bound to SSL because the certificates need to be assigned. Click Next …


At this time you will start to request and install the actual certificates for you App Service. Select the Hostnames where you want the certificates to be activated and enter the email address where you want to receive any notifications related to this registration when they expire so you can check if you don’t trust the process. Click
Request and Install Certificate


If all went as it should go you should now get an overview where you can see the requested hostnames now provided with SSL bindings and the certificates!



It’s time to check the results to see if everything is the way we would expect. Let’s check the website and see if it now is ‘safe’:


As we can see on my test-website that I used it is now provided with the “Safe” symbol, the green lock and it appears to have a Valid Certificate attached to the website. We reached our goal, we secured our website with a certificate. Let’s have a look at the certificate:


We now see that the certificate is published by Let’s Encrypt Authority X3 and is about valid for three months (in fact, exactly three months but the image is from the date I initially created the image in my Dutch article that I published in our Dutch SDN Magazine).

Looking at the SSL-settings on the App Service we can also see that the certificate has been attached and the SSL-bindings are in place related to the certificate.


Now if you look at Application Settings on the App Service you’ll see that many of the settings that you’ve seen earlier when creating the added extension now returned in a list of “Let’s Encrypt” variables. Inspecting them will show you that this information is also used at the certificate itself.


Last check will be at the created Webjob to see if this one is also active. The Webjob should be running to be able to renew the certificate in three months.


Here however we see a message on the page that indicates the App Service should be “Always on” for it to run properly. Therefore, click the link in the message to go the specific setting to enable the Always On option.


As a real final step, you also need to check the HTTPS Only setting is enabled at the Custom Hostnames settings to make sure the website is always accessed over HTTPS:


If you look at it from here we’ve been going over a lot of steps but if you do it properly it’s quite logical. Now all we can do is wait for three months to see if your certificates really are renewed. If all goes well we won’t need to create our certificates anymore, no manual tasks and no administration to keep track of the certificates (unless you set a time limitation on the Principal Key )



Let’s Encrypt:

Maarten van Stam

Manager at Deloitte Accountants and responsible for Software Development in the Professional Practice Department.
Also Software Engineer, Solution Architect, MVP, Technology Watcher, Member of Microsoft Office 14 Developer Advisory Council, Organizer in Software Development Network user group community, Web Caster and speaker at developer events and much, much more!


2018 Just started – Happy New Year

Blog 2018

A lot happened in 2017 on all levels …

Marcel Meijer, Fanie Reynders and I did our weekly SDN Cast again for the second year already. We only skipped a few weeks to attend some large conferences and create some impressions of the events. You can find all the videos on our YouTube channel: (or direct link:

I was awarded MVP for the 13th time in 2017, in fact twice for 2017 – once in January 2017 and ‘automagically’ renewed in July 2017 due to a change in the MVP Program cycles. Instead of 4 quarterly cycles to be renewed once a year the award cycle changed to July for everyone.

So for me for the first time since 2007 (as I was awarded in January of 2016) a New Years Day without the suspense of being renewed or not to be renewed. In 2018 the thrill is shifted to July so we’ll see what happens by then Smile.

Besides all of this we did three SDN Events (one day conference) an Office 365 Developer Bootcamp to teach Microsoft Teams development to a nice group of local developers (The Office Developer Bootcamp was a global initiative where everywhere in the world groups of people organized local Bootcamp events. Our Bootcamp was in Amsterdam last November).

But there was more … Dutch .NET Group Meetups, Build Conference, TechDays NL, Community MVP Event in Denmark and not to forget another year of great technologies!

Anyway … there happened too much to list here so that only leaves me to wishing you all the best for 2018 with many more events like we’ve seen in 2017!

The show must go on …

SDN Event: Ted Neward – Busy Developer’s Guide to NodeJS

SDN EVent - Ted Neward II

Last Sunday we published the third recorded session from our October SDN Event. It was the second session by Ted Neward titled “Busy Developer’s Guide to NodeJS”. If you (still) don’t know Ted, more reason to watch, he’s a real storyteller and has no problems to hold your attention for the full hour. A joy to listen and learn at the same time.

Where to watch


The circle, as they say, is complete. JavaScript underwent a significant shift in thinking recently, from a "browser-only" language to a language that’s increasingly seen as a server-side execution system. In some cases, a JavaScript engine is embedded inside a larger server program, such as what we see with different NoSQL databases (MongoDB, CouchDB), but now, with the increasing popularity of NodeJS, as a server itself. In this presentation, we’re going to take a hard look at NodeJS, from installing it through using it write a variety of different server programs. No longer is JavaScript just a user-interface tool.

Don’t forget to subscribe our YouTube channel, especially if you don’t want to miss our next published session recordings of the SDN Event(s)!

Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17025 for PC

RS4 Windows 10 Insider Preview 17025.1000

Apparently a bigger update than the ones before … took me some time to get in installed (and it restarted at a time that I didn’t expect, I got on my feet to get me some coffee and when I returned the restart screen was welcoming me back forcing me to wait at least 15 minutes before I was able to continue my work).

Anyway … it is a Preview Build released to Fast Ring and the Skip Ahead subscribers. These builds will be from the rs_prerelease for RS4 (Redstone 4) and it was announced that from now on Fast Ring and Skip Ahead will get builds at the same time. My guess is that over time the Fast Ring will merge into Skip Ahead and Skip Ahead will go away (to maybe return before moving over to RS5 – if they will continue using the naming Redstone paradigm)

This build is also the first one with somewhat more visible changes, especially in the Settings area. No need to copy all the changes here, they are all collected in the official release post:


SDN Event: Bill Ayers – Welcome to the Brave New World of SharePoint and Office 365 Development!


Second session in our series of October SDN Event recordings we released the first presentation by Bill Ayers from the event where he informs you about the evolution of SharePoint and Office 365 Development and where we are today with regards to these products.

Where to find:


If your software development journey ever took you into the dark misty forest that is SharePoint development, there are two possibilities: you became a SharePoint developer or (more likely) you vowed never to go there again because of the dragons. But the forest is changing, the dragons are slain (mostly), and there is a new world of SharePoint and Office 365 development. Instead of building full-trust solutions that run in-process on the SharePoint server, we are moving to a model of client-side or remote-server development using a variety of technologies. Starting with SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 we have REST endpoints to support the rich client-side solutions our users want. In this talk we are going to see how far we can go using JavaScript and client-side development for Windows, web and mobile applications, and using ASP.NET MVC and other web development platforms. It’s time to take another look at SharePoint and Office 365 development. We can build sophisticated solutions that take advantage of the powerful back-end services that deliver business solutions through websites, desktop or mobile applications.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel so you won’t miss the next sessions that we are about to post soon!

Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17017 for PC

RS4 Windows 10 Insider Preview 17017.1000

While we were at the Dutch TechDays 2017 event (see our short video impression here) Microsoft also released a new Insider Preview Build 17017.1000 to the Fast Ring and to the Skip Ahead Ring. Apparently these two rings are now slowly merging into the general ‘new’ Fast Ring.

According to comments on the Insiders blog the teams are now about to start checking in new code into these rings shortly so although there still is not much new to these builds they are preparing to provide you new stuff soon.

In this build there are a couple of new things though. There are the new Cortana Collections, Simplifying actions between Cortana and Action Center and third, new Startup Settings.

The Insiders blog discusses all three items, so no need to repeat that here just go to their blog: 

TechDays NL 2017 – Conference Impression


Last two days Marcel Meijier, Fanie Reynders and I, the SDN Cast team, spent our time at the Dutch TechDays 2017 in the RAI conference center in Amsterdam to talk to technology specialists and build, just like last year, an impression video of the conference.

The conference is a two day high speed, drink from the firehose, technology event with a great selection of speakers and we had a great time, learning, networking and driving the Beam Robot Camera around at the venue.

We have been shooting many videos and footage with interviews, robot cam interactions and cherry on the cake – the impression video. We collected all the videos and assembled them into a nice short impression worth watchin, even if you didn’t make it to the conference. It is fun to watch so here it is:


It is hard work to get all the videos and equipment up and running, doubled our hours in double day shifts as our work also continues leaving not much time to sleep and catching up -both work and sleep- in the weekend.

There is however nothing more satisfying than being around a great bunch of people at a conferences like this. A couple of thousand or more developers walking around at ‘the show’, good company to be with.

We hope you like it as much as we do and see you at one of the next Software Development events where or whenever we are invited again.

Window 10 Fall Creators Update RTM: 16299.15

RS3 Windows 10 Insider Preview 16299

Yesterday, the day of the Windows Developer Day, the Windows Insiders Blog came with a small but important update:

UPDATE 10/10: As part of final preparations for the general availability of the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update on Oct. 17th, we have begun releasing Build 16299.15 to Windows Insiders in the Release Preview ring. If you are in the Release Preview ring and don’t see this build offered yet – be patient as it will be rolling out over the course of the next few days to everyone in the Release Preview ring.

This, almost certain, means that we are done with Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and this (version 16299.15) will be the final release version to be released next week October 17th. The Release Preview ring is considered to be the most secure ‘preview’ ring for people who want to get bits early but don’t want to take the risks of breaking things that come with other less secure build flights such as the Fast or Slow Ring.

So there you have it … Windows 10 Fall Creators Update is cooked and done if you ask me.

They also released the Windows 10 SDK at the Windows Developer Day yesterday (10/10), another sign that things are ready. The SDK usually locks down way before locking down Windows itself, because software developers need a solid base to build their Fall Creators Update versions on, still they released it yesterday. A special day with lots of Ten numbers, waiting for next week with both Ten and Seventeen in the name. But what’s in a name?