Office Development – Word Add-in, minimal code

So far it has been fairly complex, installing lots of components and doing all sorts of things before you get things to work. But what do you need for code to do just the minimal thing in a Word Add-in?

Initially it is said that a context is required by requesting a new context:

var ctx = new Word.RequestContext();

With this context you can do things the things you’d like to do.

function MinimalWordmethod() {
// Create the client request context. You’ll do this for al Word add-ins.

   var ctx = new Word.RequestContext();

   // Do your things here, such as ..
   var range = ctx.document.getSelection();

.then(function () {})
console.log("ERROR: " + JSON.stringify(error));

Interesting part is that this RequestContext is not to be found in the Yeoman boilerplate, so it looks like it is initialized by the framework these days …

I want to find out where this happened in the Yeoman boilerplate. As far as I can tell the documentation is not all too clear about this.

To be continued too Winking smile

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