SDN Cast 29 Week 47 News and Events – Happy Holidays, Black Friday and Cyber Monday


Traditionally from a US point of view one of the main sources for news and information on Software Development is shutting down. It is the week in the United States where everybody is moving home to celebrate their annual day of Thanksgiving to eat turkey and much more than that. No one is releasing any news in this week or even the week after (we did find a few exceptions as you can see in the news overview below). The day after Thanksgiving retail stores start their big day of sales called Black Friday, who hasn’t seen the videos where large groups of people all run into the stores falling over each other and steal products from other customers baskets? Following Black Friday there is Cyber Monday, originally meant to do the same as Black Friday but now for online retail stores. Both days did merge a bit and we see a whole week of online offers on great discounts. What did you buy today?

Even though it’s quiet this week we did find some interesting news items and discussed it at our SDN Cast this week. The number of events is dropping around this time, Connect(); by Microsoft was about the one big closing event. The videos are currently available on Channel9 if you want to watch them.

Where can you find the 29th edition of our Dutch SDN Cast?

Subscribe to our channel so you won’t miss a single episode. Usually we are broadcasting live on Thursday evening 8PM GMT+1 in the winter but it might change depending on how things go that week. If you want to be sure you better subscribe to our channel on YouTube or go to to discover when our next show will be planned. It will show you when the next show is starting.

News of the week

New SharePoint CSOM version released for SharePoint Online – November 2016
The future of SharePoint development

MVP Hackathon 2016: Cool Projects from Microsoft MVPs

Calling European game developers, enter the Indie Games Contest by December 31

Android N Encryption

MSDN Magazine – Connect(); 2016

Xbox One Game Streaming Coming to Windows 10 PCs with Oculus Rift on Dec. 12

Microsoft’s x86 on ARM64 emulation: A Windows 10 ‘Redstone 3’ Fall 2017 feature

Black Friday!/nl-nl/black-friday/cid=STORE-MSF75508-BFMWD2016


Events Last Week

DevIntersection Europe 2016 – Haarlem, NL – November 14-16!

Connect(); // 2016 // November 16-17 – Online

Unity Connect – Haarlem, NL – November 16-18

Events this week

Xamarin Dev Days – Rotterdam, NL – November 25th

Events Next Week

No events next week

Upcoming events

ASP.Net Core & Xamarin – App development end to end

VS Live 360 – December 5-9 – Orlando, USA

SDN Event – December 9 – Zeist, NL

Soon we will bring you another SDN Event. You can now register using the SDN website for another great day filled with sessions and interesting information:

Elastichsearch on .NET workshop

Build in May 2017?

Ignite 2017 – September 25-29 – Orlando

We hope you like to watch our Dutch SDN Casts to keep up with the news in about an hour a week. You hear what is new and get fun demos on technology and Software Development that you can use in your daily job.

Don’t forget to Subscribe to our channel as we can get a better URL to remember our channel if we reach the number of subscribers needed to add this and make your and our lives a bit easier! And if you haven’t heard if you are the number 100 Subscriber you get something in return! Subscribe:

We are still working on our SDN Cast site, but while doing so we were able to stream the big Connect event live from our website through an embedded web stream on our main SDN Cast page. Go to the website and check when our next broadcast will be!

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