Software News and Events for Week 34

SDN Cast

Another webcast (Dutch) with tech-news and this time a Docker and HoloLens Demo. This is week 34 and here is the news we discussed in our SDN Cast. The latest news on software development with both serious and light news items.

Where can you find the Dutch SDN Cast edition 16?

Subscribe to our channel so you won’t miss our broadcast. Usually we broadcast live every Thursday evening 20:00 GMT+2 but to make sure you best Subscribe to our channel: !

News of the week

Visual Studio “15” Preview 4

What’s new in C# 7.0

Why are we open sourcing our extensions?

GitHub Extension for Visual Studio 2.0 is now available

Google Stops Chrome Browser Apps (Except for Chrome OS)

Microsoft Edge and Continuum: Your desktop browser on Mobile

The Dick Moffat Technique

Power BI Desktop Augustus Feature Summary

No More Ransomware

Fun: Xbox onesie


This week’s events

Xamarin Dev Days Amsterdam- Augustus 27th

Next week events

Announcing the “App Dev on Xbox” – august 30 live event

SDN event September 2nd – Zeist

Our second Dutch SDN Event for 2016 with special guest Roy Janssen with his company
Semper IT showing the HoloLens for you to see with your own eyes what the device looks like and what it can do. In a special presentation Roy will show you what you can do with it. There is still room for registration for the event in Zeist (NL) so don’t miss it and register here:

Upcoming events

Fixxup – September 22nd

LevelUp Mobile 2016 – September 22nd

CodeUUR Worldrecord – October 14th

.NET Developer Days – Central / East Europe – October 19-21

Demo context:

This week in our Dutch webcast two demos, the HoloLens Teaser and a Docker Intro. We asked Roy Janssen to give us a quick intro of what we can expect in his sessions at the SDN Event next week September 2nd and we also did a Docker Demo as a follow up of one of our earlier SDN Casts where we discussed the Docker Conference a couple of weeks ago.


This week a HoloLens Teaser to warm us up for next week’s event we organized: SDN Event op 2 september. Roy is showing us what you can do with the HoloLens and is showing what Augmented Reality is all about. Next week in the SDN Event session he will deep dive into the HoloLens in a special session giving an overview of the options you have to develop for the HoloLens by showing use of the tools and applications available. His company can be found at his website


A couple of weeks ago we discussed the Docker Conference in our Events section. As promised back then, this week we finally demoed in our 16th Dutch SDN Cast Docker for Windows to show you how quick and easy it is to set up a running Docker environment on your Windows machine and use some of the images available on

We hope you like watching our Dutch SDN Casts to catch up in about an hour on the topics that are hot for this week and hear the latest news and see the great demo’s on technology and software development that you can apply in your real world scenarios.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel as with enough subscribers we get the option to create an easier to remember link instead of the complex URL we are forced in today for our channel!

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