A day early, today we recorded our Dutch SDN Cast live from our own home locations. Last week we recorded our SDN Cast on location at venue Hotel Oud London in Zeist to introduce our quarterly SDN Event. As usual we discussed the news and events for this week and tried to hook into the Apple Event while we were casting our show.
Just before going live I updated my broadcasting PC to Microsoft Anniversary and due to having a Dutch system I was redirected to an information page explaining I was eligible to install “Microsoft Wedding day” and my machine was ready to install “Microsoft Birthday” edition. An example of how machine translations messed up … The upside is that it was fun to read providing a good laugh. I won’t laugh too loud though as I probably make similar mistakes translating Dutch to English resulting in Denglisch J. Obviously it is not easy to translate Anniversary into the Dutch equivalent.
For my Dutch readers, here is the info provided:
Where can you find the Dutch SDN Cast edition 18?
Subscribe to our channel so you won’t miss our broadcast. Usually we broadcast live every Thursday evening 20:00 GMT+2, this week however a day early, if you want to be sure you better Subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3oE_YPB4AJVQSInC-yy3pw !
News of the week
Announcing a Microsoft .NET Core and ASP.NET Core Bug Bounty
The Web Clipper Goes Open-Source
Free ebook: Microsoft Azure Essentials: Fundamentals of Azure, Second Edition
10k Apart – Inspiring the Web with Just 10k
New Dev Center Capabilities
Official Docker Images by Microsoft
Microsoft Data Science Virtual Machine for Windows and Linux now available
Desktop App Converter Preview (Project Centennial)
Xamarin.Forms now has a Mac front-end on GitHub
Xamarin.Android 7.0 Now With More Nougat
We’re excited to announce that we have published Xamarin.Android support for Android 7.0 for both Xamarin Studio and Visual Studio.
Apple Event
This week we have tough competition with our SDN Cast. At the same time of our Cast there was the Apple Event announcing a new Apple Watch, the iPhone 7, wireless earbuds. Every now and then we picked up some pricing or news items from the Apple show. We are not forgetting that a large part of Software Development is targeting Apple devices so it has our attention!
New version Wordperfect
Yes, after all this years, from being the largest text editor to a minor player today they still exist. And now there was a new version announced. Old times are back again! Do you remember what F7 will do?
Last week’s events
Announcing the “App Dev on Xbox” – Augustus 30th live event
SDN event September 2nd – Zeist
This week’s events
Look at all the cute machines they all announced around IFA
Centric Tech Event 2016 – September 7th – CineMec Ede
AmsterdamJS – The Comeback Edition – September 8th – Amsterdam
Next week events
TechDays Online—Starting September 12th!
Emerging Tech Virtual Summit – September 12th
Hands-on Azure Service Fabric
Quintor TechDays Preview 1 – September 14th – Amersfoort
Upcoming events
Quintor TechDays Preview 2 – September 20th – Amersfoort
How to practice TDD without shooting yourself in the foot – Dennis Doomen – September 20th – Rotterdam
Quintor Introductie App development voor de Hololens – September 21th – Amersfoort
Azure App Services en Azure Functions – September 21th – Eindhoven
Fixxup – September 22th – Utrecht
LevelUp Mobile 2016 – September 22nd – Leusden
Microsoft Ignite – September 26-30th Atlanta
TechDays – October 4-5th – RAI Amsterdam
CodeUUR Worldrecord – October 14th
.NET Developer Days – Central / East Europe – October 19-21 th
Demo time
Fanie Reynders gave a short intro on Code Connect and Alive, tooling to enhance your Visual Studio experience and showing what the guys were doing just before going over to Microsoft. Let’s wait and see how acquiring Code Connect will turn out in the near future.
We hope you like watching our Dutch SDN Casts to catch up in a bit more than an hour on the topics that are hot for this week and hear the latest news and see the great demo’s on technology and software development that you can apply in your real world scenarios.
Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel as with enough subscribers we get the option to create an easier to remember link instead of the complex URL we are forced in today for our channel! And if you haven’t heard, the 100th subscriber will get something in return!