Brady Gaster – Getting Started building Visual Studio Code Extensions

This Sunday our second recorded session went live that we recorded at our June SDN Event in Zeist (NL). Last week we had the keynote by Richard Campbell but this week is the first session of two by Brady Gaster:

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Visual Studio Code has been getting a lot of positive attention in our industry since its introduction. The small install size and speed of the product make it an attractive option for developers who want a better coding tool, but where VS Code really shines is in its ability to allow developers to extend it. In this session, you’ll be introduced to the idea of developing extensions for Visual Studio Code, walk through a few demos and get a glimpse of the object model in the product so that when you have an idea that begins with "I wish Visual Studio Code could…" you’ll have the knowledge and information you need to dive in and make the best little coding tool around do whatever you want.

We had Brady in our SDN Cast show number 36 last year where he introduced us to the Azure Tools for Visual Studio Code for the first time. This was a great introduction and we asked him to join us at our SDN Event and were very happy that he agreed to jump in to fly over all the way from Microsoft’s Seattle Area to our little country.

So here it is, his first session at the event – the second will follow in two weeks so stay tuned! Click the link above to watch the session in its full length.

You can even go over to Brady’s GitHub account to get the PowerPoint and notes for the session:

And if you still have questions, just ping him at Twitter account @bradygaster

There was only one thing that disappointed me, and that was that we didn’t even found time to discuss the musician in him. I’m a bass player myself so I’m sad we didn’t bring this up … oh well, a good reason to invite him again some other time Winking smile. A very social friendly guy and a pleasure to work with!

SDN Event – Richard Campbell – Keynote: The Development Platform Landscape in 2017

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Last Friday June 23rd we managed to pull off our second SDN Event of 2017 and we recorded a couple of our sessions so if you couldn’t make it or had other reasons not to attend you still can watch the session online.

Join Richard Campbell as he takes you on a tour of the broad range of subjects explored while recording more than 1400 episodes of .NET Rocks over the past 10+ years. The development world today is evolving rapidly, but a look at the history of development can help inform the path we’re on and where we’re going. Along the way you’ll hear some great stories from the various .NET Rocks episodes and get some ideas of how you can take your career and your company into the future of technology.

YouTube Link:

Richard Campbell Keynote-800

If you like to know how we recorded the session you can read my other blog post:
How to record your user group presentations in high quality with low budget tooling – Part II

Other Events
Events last week
Goto Amsterdam – June 12-15

Microsoft Data Insights Summit – June 12-13, 2017, Seattle

NDC Oslo – June 12-16 2017 – Oslo

E3 – June 13-15 2017 – Los Angeles Convention Center

Global Devops Bootcamp – June 17

Events this week

Office365 Engage – June 19-22 – Haarlem

Google Cloud Next – June 21 – Kromhouthal – Amsterdam

Microsoft Azure OpenDev – June 21 – Online

SDN Event 2 – Zeist NL – June 23, 2017

Upcoming events

Digility VR/AR Conference & Expo 2017, Cologne, Germany – July 5-6

Inspire July 9-13 – Washington D.C.

Ignite 2017 – September 25-29 – Orlando

SDN Event 3 – Zeist NL – October 6

TechDays October 12-13, 2017 RAI Amsterdam NL

Week 2 SDN Cast News Items – .NET Standard 2.0


Our second Dutch show this year, traditionally filled with bloopers – maybe we will create a gag-reel – this time we discussed .NET Standard some more. The huge expansion of the number of APIs supported by implementing the ‘compat shim’ or Type Forwarding. This allows you to reference the ‘old’ .NET Framework assemblies to make the .NET scope bigger than ever. The information was found directly from the .NET Standard GitHub repo documentation so you can access it yourself and read it in a dull moment!

And oh, while we were discussing the .NET Standard 2.0 Fanie transformed the FAQ right there on the spot into a BOT. We discussed the technology last week (week 1 of 2017). You now can ask your questions on the bot about .NET Standard 2.0 and your .NET Standard FAQ Bot will provide you with the right answers (provided that your question is clear enough to understand …)

Try the bot here:

Where can you find the 35th edition of our Dutch SDN Cast?

Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you won’t miss a single episode. Usually we are broadcasting live on Thursday evening 8PM GMT+1 in the winter but it might change depending on how things go that week. If you want to be sure you better subscribe to our channel on YouTube or go to to discover when our next show will be planned. It will show you when the next show is starting.

News of the week

Try the Next Major Xamarin Release Candidate

What .NET Developers ought to know to start in 2017

VS Team Services Update – Jan 6

Bootstrap – Flexbox, dropping IE9 support

DOT Net Core 2
– Adding 11-14k extra API’s
– Reference .NET DLL’s directly!

ASP NET Community Standup – January 3rd, 2017 – Happy New Year (at 46:03 ! )

Compatibility Shim

For an in depth explanation go and see the videos by Immo Landwerth:
.NET Standard – Under the Hood
.NET Standard – What’s new in 2.0

Microsoft is hiring

PWA – Progressive Web Apps?


Events Last Week


Events this week

No events this week

Events Next Week

NDC London – January 16-20 – London, UK

Upcoming events

Microsoft Dynamics 365 First Look: Amsterdam – January 24 – Amsterdam

Fanie Reynders – iSense – January 26

dotNed Saturday – January 28 – Veenendaal

Code & Comedy – February 8 – Nieuwegein

SDN Event 1 – Zeist – March 17 2017

Microsoft Tech Summit – Amsterdam, March 23-24 2017

Build – May 10-12 2017 – Seattle

SDN Event 2 – Zeist – June 23 2017

Ignite 2017 – September 25-29 – Orlando

SDN Event 3 – Zeist – 6 October

We hope you like to watch our Dutch SDN Casts to keep up with the news in about an hour a week. You hear what is new and get fun demos on technology and Software Development that you can use in your daily job.

Don’t forget to Subscribe to our channel as we can get a better URL to remember our channel if we reach the number of subscribers needed to add this and make your and our lives a bit easier! And if you haven’t heard if you are the number 100 Subscriber you get something in return!

Go to the website and check when our next broadcast will be!