SDN Event: Ted Neward – Busy Developer’s Guide to NodeJS

SDN EVent - Ted Neward II

Last Sunday we published the third recorded session from our October SDN Event. It was the second session by Ted Neward titled “Busy Developer’s Guide to NodeJS”. If you (still) don’t know Ted, more reason to watch, he’s a real storyteller and has no problems to hold your attention for the full hour. A joy to listen and learn at the same time.

Where to watch


The circle, as they say, is complete. JavaScript underwent a significant shift in thinking recently, from a "browser-only" language to a language that’s increasingly seen as a server-side execution system. In some cases, a JavaScript engine is embedded inside a larger server program, such as what we see with different NoSQL databases (MongoDB, CouchDB), but now, with the increasing popularity of NodeJS, as a server itself. In this presentation, we’re going to take a hard look at NodeJS, from installing it through using it write a variety of different server programs. No longer is JavaScript just a user-interface tool.

Don’t forget to subscribe our YouTube channel, especially if you don’t want to miss our next published session recordings of the SDN Event(s)!

Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17025 for PC

RS4 Windows 10 Insider Preview 17025.1000

Apparently a bigger update than the ones before … took me some time to get in installed (and it restarted at a time that I didn’t expect, I got on my feet to get me some coffee and when I returned the restart screen was welcoming me back forcing me to wait at least 15 minutes before I was able to continue my work).

Anyway … it is a Preview Build released to Fast Ring and the Skip Ahead subscribers. These builds will be from the rs_prerelease for RS4 (Redstone 4) and it was announced that from now on Fast Ring and Skip Ahead will get builds at the same time. My guess is that over time the Fast Ring will merge into Skip Ahead and Skip Ahead will go away (to maybe return before moving over to RS5 – if they will continue using the naming Redstone paradigm)

This build is also the first one with somewhat more visible changes, especially in the Settings area. No need to copy all the changes here, they are all collected in the official release post:


SDN Event: Bill Ayers – Welcome to the Brave New World of SharePoint and Office 365 Development!


Second session in our series of October SDN Event recordings we released the first presentation by Bill Ayers from the event where he informs you about the evolution of SharePoint and Office 365 Development and where we are today with regards to these products.

Where to find:


If your software development journey ever took you into the dark misty forest that is SharePoint development, there are two possibilities: you became a SharePoint developer or (more likely) you vowed never to go there again because of the dragons. But the forest is changing, the dragons are slain (mostly), and there is a new world of SharePoint and Office 365 development. Instead of building full-trust solutions that run in-process on the SharePoint server, we are moving to a model of client-side or remote-server development using a variety of technologies. Starting with SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 we have REST endpoints to support the rich client-side solutions our users want. In this talk we are going to see how far we can go using JavaScript and client-side development for Windows, web and mobile applications, and using ASP.NET MVC and other web development platforms. It’s time to take another look at SharePoint and Office 365 development. We can build sophisticated solutions that take advantage of the powerful back-end services that deliver business solutions through websites, desktop or mobile applications.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel so you won’t miss the next sessions that we are about to post soon!

Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17017 for PC

RS4 Windows 10 Insider Preview 17017.1000

While we were at the Dutch TechDays 2017 event (see our short video impression here) Microsoft also released a new Insider Preview Build 17017.1000 to the Fast Ring and to the Skip Ahead Ring. Apparently these two rings are now slowly merging into the general ‘new’ Fast Ring.

According to comments on the Insiders blog the teams are now about to start checking in new code into these rings shortly so although there still is not much new to these builds they are preparing to provide you new stuff soon.

In this build there are a couple of new things though. There are the new Cortana Collections, Simplifying actions between Cortana and Action Center and third, new Startup Settings.

The Insiders blog discusses all three items, so no need to repeat that here just go to their blog: 

TechDays NL 2017 – Conference Impression


Last two days Marcel Meijier, Fanie Reynders and I, the SDN Cast team, spent our time at the Dutch TechDays 2017 in the RAI conference center in Amsterdam to talk to technology specialists and build, just like last year, an impression video of the conference.

The conference is a two day high speed, drink from the firehose, technology event with a great selection of speakers and we had a great time, learning, networking and driving the Beam Robot Camera around at the venue.

We have been shooting many videos and footage with interviews, robot cam interactions and cherry on the cake – the impression video. We collected all the videos and assembled them into a nice short impression worth watchin, even if you didn’t make it to the conference. It is fun to watch so here it is:


It is hard work to get all the videos and equipment up and running, doubled our hours in double day shifts as our work also continues leaving not much time to sleep and catching up -both work and sleep- in the weekend.

There is however nothing more satisfying than being around a great bunch of people at a conferences like this. A couple of thousand or more developers walking around at ‘the show’, good company to be with.

We hope you like it as much as we do and see you at one of the next Software Development events where or whenever we are invited again.

Window 10 Fall Creators Update RTM: 16299.15

RS3 Windows 10 Insider Preview 16299

Yesterday, the day of the Windows Developer Day, the Windows Insiders Blog came with a small but important update:

UPDATE 10/10: As part of final preparations for the general availability of the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update on Oct. 17th, we have begun releasing Build 16299.15 to Windows Insiders in the Release Preview ring. If you are in the Release Preview ring and don’t see this build offered yet – be patient as it will be rolling out over the course of the next few days to everyone in the Release Preview ring.

This, almost certain, means that we are done with Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and this (version 16299.15) will be the final release version to be released next week October 17th. The Release Preview ring is considered to be the most secure ‘preview’ ring for people who want to get bits early but don’t want to take the risks of breaking things that come with other less secure build flights such as the Fast or Slow Ring.

So there you have it … Windows 10 Fall Creators Update is cooked and done if you ask me.

They also released the Windows 10 SDK at the Windows Developer Day yesterday (10/10), another sign that things are ready. The SDK usually locks down way before locking down Windows itself, because software developers need a solid base to build their Fall Creators Update versions on, still they released it yesterday. A special day with lots of Ten numbers, waiting for next week with both Ten and Seventeen in the name. But what’s in a name?

What’s New in Windows 10 for developers, version 1709

Windows Developer Day

The version seems to be 1709, not 1710 although the links contained 1710 the titles are updated to 1709.

Ever wanted to see all the new things available for you as Windows 10 developer for the Fall Creators Update (version 1709)? While Windows Developer Day is still streaming live, Microsoft published a full list of updated items for the Fall Creators Update:

Also a comprehensive list (a big! list) is published today for all new APIs in Windows 10 version 1709:

And while you are at it … download the latest Windows 10 version 1709 (RTM) SDK:

So, eat your heart out … I won’t hear you again for the next couple of hours/days when you are going over all the new stuff.

SDN Cast 70 – SDN, Microsoft and Google Event News


Due to the third SDN Event last week on Friday October 6th we were a day early with our weekly Dutch SDN Cast. Usually we broadcast on Thursday but this week we had to shift things a bit, so we broadcasted on Wednesday. As usual we pick up our foreign speakers from the airport the day before the SDN Event and bring them to their hotel to stay the night.

You can’t ask the presenters to travel large distances all on one day, can’t you? For this reason, we moved the SDN Cast a day earlier and didn’t skip the web cast because you don’t want to miss the weekly news either don’t you agree? News just goes on and on, SDN Event or not.

And news there was … a lot of it! Besides the annual hardware event by Google there was the Microsoft Mixed Reality event the day before. Would it be a coincidence? Microsoft’s event was completely focused on Mixed Reality announcements. Some sort of a special on Mixed Reality headsets, HoloLens and MR software.

Other than the already announced headsets Microsoft this event showed off the new Samsung Mixed Reality headset that will become available soon. But more important was the vision Microsoft showed us with regards to the Mixed Reality future developments. All available in the soon to be released Fall Creators Update.

With this Fall Creators Update Microsoft will also include the Windows Mixed Reality home – the Cliff House. In this virtual space you can move and design the spaces with your apps and holograms.

Another thing that was announced is that Microsoft acquired AltSpaceVR and the SteamVR catalog will soon be available from the Mixed Reality world of Windows. Currently already available for developers in Preview.

Somewhat later, the day after, Google held its annual hardware event. Many of the details already leaked as we discussed last week, but now we officially were introduced to the announcements and no need to speculate over the details. A whole slew of new devices, the new Pixel 2, Google Home, Google Buds, Google Clips and the new Chromebook to name a few.

For both events I’ve added the links in the show notes below in this article so you can go back and watch the events again.

We haven’t decided yet what day we will go live with SDN Cast 71, maybe again on Wednesday but another option is live from the TechDays event in Amsterdam. Go to for more information on the exact date and time.

Where can you find our 70th episode of our Dutch SDN Cast?

Our YouTube channel:

Did you subscribe our Dutch SDN Cast channel already?

Subscribe your YouTube channel if you don’t want to miss a single broadcast. Usually we will broadcast on Thursday evenings at 8 PM but there can be a change of plans where we need to move to another time or day. So to be sure Subscribe to our channel on YouTube or go to to see when the next episode is due.

Other news:

Meetup group .NET Oost

Azure – New Logo

Microsoft joins the Open Source Initiative

TypeScript Turns 5

Roslyn Primer – Part I: Anatomy of a Compiler

.NET Framework 4.7.1 Runtime and Compiler Features

The Book of the Runtime – The internals of the .NET Runtime that you won’t find in the documentation

The era of Windows Mixed Reality begins October 17

October 4th – Google Event
A few new things made by Google


Events this Week

Microsoft Mixed Reality Event

Google Pixel 2 Launch Event 2017 – Live Stream
Google Pixel 2 Launch Event 2017 – Live Stream

SDN Event 3 – October 6, Zeist, NL

OpenHack Amsterdam, October 9-11, Amsterdam

Upcoming events

Windows Developer Day – October 10, London, UK

TechDays October 12-13, 2017 RAI Amsterdam

SharePoint Saturday Belgium 2017, October 21, Brussels BE

SharePoint Unite – October 24-26, 2017, Haarlem

Azure OpenDev

Dev Intersection, October 30- November 2, Las Vegas!/

Firebase Dev Summit – Amsterdam – October 31st

Microsoft Future Decoded – London, UK – October 31st-November 1st

Azure IoT Community, November 2nd, Nieuwegein

Web Summit – November 6-9 2017, Lisbon, Portugal

Visual Studio Live! November 12-17 2017 Orlando, FL

MixUG – Eindgebruikers Evenement – November 29 – Gouda

NgEurope, February 1-2, 2018 , Paris – France

MVP Summit 2018 – 4-7 Maart – Seattle

Global Azure Bootcamp – 21 April

Techorama, 22-24 mei 2018, Antwerpen, België

Experts Live 2018 – 19 Juni 2018

Ignite 2018 – 24-29 September 2018 – Orlando

As usual we are always looking for presenters for our own events and Meetup’s so if you want to share something about hot technologies or just about something you implemented at work or in an App that could be interesting to our audience let us know so we can schedule you for one or our next SDN events or Dutch .NET Group Meetups.

This off course also goes for if you want to write a great article for us to publish in our SDN Magazines or at our SDN Website. The downside of publishing a magazine article is that there can be sometime between writing the article and publishing the magazine. So, if it is time critical sometimes the best option is to publish it on the website to get more speedy attention to the article.

As you see, options enough to address your audience with top notch information. You can even, if you like, be our guest in our SDN Cast shows to discuss the projects you are working on or other topics you master. We will instruct you how to connect with us and what it is you need to join the show.

Hopefully we will see you at our weekly web cast, for the schedule go to for next week’s announcement to find out the day and time of our next broadcast or go to to watch old episodes and videos that we recorded at our events. Don’t forget to subscribe our YouTube channel or go directly to YouTube not to miss any of our shows!

SDN Event: Ted Neward – Busy Architect’s Guide to DevOps

SDN EVent - Ted Neward I

As usual (by now) , we will put some of our SDN Event sessions online on YouTube for the next couple of Sundays.

The first session that we recorded last Friday was the session by Ted Neward, a popular presenter from the Seattle Area (USA). If you watch the presentation you’ll see why.

Go over there and watch Ted’s session if you missed the session at our event or if you’ve attended the session but want to see it again:

Where to go to see the recording:


"Developer Operations", or its more commonly-known nickname, DevOps, has taken the industry by storm. Everywhere you turn, everybody wants to be doing DevOps. It’s the new black, the new normal, the thing that everybody clearly represents the next pinnacle in software development…. Except not everybody agrees on what it is, how to do it, or what benefits it will even provide you. In this presentation, we’ll deconstruct the whole "DevOps" movement, talk about what it really represents, how to get started with it, and perhaps most importantly of all, talk about what is realistic to expect out of it once you have actually managed to "DevOps All The Things!" within your company.

Don’t forget to subscribe on our channel so you won’t miss the following sessions that we recorded: