.NET Core 2.0 Released!


Usually I share the news of the week after our weekly Dutch SDN Cast but I really didn’t want to wait for this as it is just great news that you should hear immediately (if you haven’t already heard from in the social web).

Well, let’s have it:

Announcing .NET Core 2.0

Announcing .NET Standard 2.0

Announcing Entity Framework Core 2.0

Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.3 Released

A whole lot of releases, all more or less related to each other but still, great news!

With .NET Core you get:

  • Fasted version of .NET
  • More (a lot more!) APIs
  • More project templates
  • More distros
  • Simplified packaging
  • New and improved Visual Studio tooling
  • Visual Studio for Mac support

It is way too much to put in one blog post so start with watching the video by Scott Hunter and his team:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2mMbjw6cLA] Have fun and enjoy the new bits!

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