Happy 2020

It’s been a while, almost year, here … and whenever there is a new year, we pick up our resolutions from last year and see what we can do that we missed progressing the past year. Blogging is one of these things … so let’s pick this up again for now and see where it ends.

In my professional work I’ve been limited in doing things programmer-wise, more a people manager than coding manager at this time. Trying to get our foreign team up and running and at sometimes actually deliver some products. Doing so means I have almost no time at all to do programming.

For this reason, I decided to go on and do the Live Coding thing. Forcing me to go live in front of a camera and coding live on screen is pushing me to keep my coding skills on par. Not easy as what you learn today is outdated tomorrow, but boy … the things you can do in code these days are absolutely amazing!

So join me in my Live Coding sessions on Twitch. You can find my channel here:


Hit the follow button if you are, like me, too lazy to look up the broadcast schedule so you get notified whenever I get online to do the Programming Thing.

At this time I’m working on two main topics:

· Office Development (Who would have guessed?) where I’m trying to do the same things that I was able to do using VSTO to build my Add-ins. Spoiler Alert: You can’t do everything you were able to do with VSTO, but you can do some cool shit anyway …

· Blazor Web Development, building web sites using C# and .NET Core … where Office moved away from .NET to Web Technologies .NET did exactly the other way around and is now focusing on Web Technologies!

Let me know what you think about all these new and not so recent technologies … will they save the world?

SDN Cast 63 – New SDN magazine and .NET Standard 2.0

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Theme of the week in our Dutch SDN Cast was .NET and .NET Standard. .NET Standard 2.0 was released this week, you could already read about it in my ‘special’ post earlier this week. There was a whole set of releases: .NET Standard 2.0, .NET Core 2.0, Entity Framework Core 2.0, Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.3 and more …

We discussed not only the new releases but also other news like adding VB to the .NET Core CLI, new Apple betas, Xbox Live Creators Program and more. Despite the holidays low season, a lot of news to talk about!

Also, this week the release of our new Dutch SDN Magazine, ready for download. The download links are in the show notes below. Dutchies, go ahead and download it today!

Where can you find our 63th episode of our Dutch SDN Cast?https://youtu.be/KNFnlgRkjzA

Did you subscribe our Dutch SDN Cast channel already?

Subscribe your YouTube channel if you don’t want to miss a single broadcast. Usually we will broadcast on Thursday evenings at 8 PM but there can be a change of plans where we need to move to another time or day. So to be sure Subscribe to our channel on YouTube or go to http://www.sdncast.nl to see when the next episode is due.

Other news:

Announcing .NET Core 2.0

Announcing .NET Standard 2.0

Announcing Entity Framework Core 2.0

Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.3 Released

Accessibility improvements in Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3

F# and .NET Core Roadmap Update

New for Visual Basic: .NET Standard Class Libraries and the dotnet CLI!

Xbox Live Creators Program Is Now Live!https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2017/08/10/xbox-live-creators-program-now-live

New Apple Beta (6) Downloads Now Available

Over 500 extensions in the VSTS/TFS marketplace

Dutch SDN Magazine 132


Upcoming events

Agile 2017 – August 7-11 2017, Orlando FL

MvvmCross .NET Summer Hackfest, August 21-September 2, Amsterdam Closing Event

Google Developer Days Europe – September 5-6, Krakow, Poland

Wazug – September 7 2017, Hilversum

Microsoft Edge Web Summit 2017 – September 13, Online

MixUG – Development Event – 13 September, Gouda

Xamarin Dev Days – 16 September – Amsterdam

.NET Conf – 19-21 September

Microsoft Envision – September 25-27 – Orlando

Ignite 2017 – September 25-29 – Orlando

Hybrid IT Event – September 26 – Maarssen, NL

Xamarin Event – September 28, Nieuwegein

4DotNet Events – Xamarin Event – 28 September, Nieuwegein

MixUG – End-user Event

SDN Event 3 – 6 October 6, Zeist, NL

TechDays October 12-13, 2017 RAI Amsterdam 

SharePoint Saturday Belgium 2017, October 21, Brussels BE

SharePoint Unite – October 24-26, 2017, Haarlem

Web Summit – 6-9 November 2017, Lisbon, Portugal

Visual Studio Live! November 12-17 2017 Orlando, FL

As usual we are always looking for presenters for our own events and Meetup’s so if you want to share something about hot technologies or just about something you implemented at work or in an App that could be interesting to our audience let us know so we can schedule you for one or our next SDN events or Dutch .NET Group Meetups.

This off course also goes for if you want to write a great article for us to publish in our SDN Magazines or at our SDN Website. The downside of publishing a magazine article is that there can be sometime between writing the article and publishing the magazine. So, if it is time critical sometimes the best option is to publish it on the www.sdn.nl website to get more speedy attention to the article.

As you see, options enough to address your audience with top notch information. You can even, if you like, be our guest in our SDN Cast shows to discuss the projects you are working on or other topics you master. We will instruct you how to connect with us and what it is you need to join the show.

Hopefully we will see you at our weekly web cast, for the schedule go to www.sdncast.nl for next week’s announcement to find out the day and time of our next broadcast or go to www.sdncast.nl/youtube to watch old episodes and videos that we recorded at our events. Don’t forget to subscribe our YouTube channel www.sdncast.nl/subscribe or go directly to YouTube not to miss any of our shows!

.NET Core 2.0 Released!


Usually I share the news of the week after our weekly Dutch SDN Cast but I really didn’t want to wait for this as it is just great news that you should hear immediately (if you haven’t already heard from in the social web).

Well, let’s have it:

Announcing .NET Core 2.0

Announcing .NET Standard 2.0

Announcing Entity Framework Core 2.0

Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.3 Released

A whole lot of releases, all more or less related to each other but still, great news!

With .NET Core you get:

  • Fasted version of .NET
  • More (a lot more!) APIs
  • More project templates
  • More distros
  • Simplified packaging
  • New and improved Visual Studio tooling
  • Visual Studio for Mac support

It is way too much to put in one blog post so start with watching the video by Scott Hunter and his team:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2mMbjw6cLA] Have fun and enjoy the new bits!

SDN Cast 62 – Release flavors


In our Dutch SDN Cast 62 we discuss several releases of frameworks and tools. But things tend to get confusing these days. We see RTM, Release to Manufacturer or is it Release to Market. Candidates for Release with RCs – Release Candidates, Early Access, (General) Availability, Beta or Final. And then there are the Insider Programs with their release flight rings. The Xbox release flights are called Preview Alpha, Preview Beta, Preview Delta and Preview Omega …

Does it get weirder than this? We’ll see … at least there is something released.

Where can you find our 62th episode of our Dutch SDN Cast?

Did you subscribe our Dutch SDN Cast channel already?

Subscribe your YouTube channel if you don’t want to miss a single broadcast. Usually we will broadcast on Thursday evenings at 8 PM but there can be a change of plans where we need to move to another time or day. So to be sure Subscribe to our channel on YouTube or go to http://www.sdncast.nl to see when the next episode is due.

Other news:

Rider 2017.1 – JetBrains .NET IDE hits RTM

SQL Server 2017 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) is now available

Welcome to the .NET Framework 4.7.1 Early Access!

Small Basic 1.3 available now!

Creating Materials and Lights in the Visual Layer

Xcode 9 beta 5

.NET Standard 2.0 is final

Xbox Insider Program

Nuget Fall 2017 Roadmap

Web Applications with ASP.NET Core Architecture and Patterns guidance


Upcoming events

Agile 2017 – August 7-11 2017, Orlando FL

MvvmCross .NET Summer Hackfest, August 21-September 2, Amsterdam Closing Event

Google Developer Days Europe – September 5-6, Krakow, Poland

Wazug – September 7 2017, Hilversum

Microsoft Edge Web Summit 2017 – September 13, Online

MixUG – Development Event – 13 September, Gouda

Xamarin Dev Days – 16 September – Amsterdam

.NET Conf – 19-21 September

Microsoft Envision – September 25-27 – Orlando

Ignite 2017 – September 25-29 – Orlando

Hybrid IT Event – September 26 – Maarssen, NL

Xamarin Event – September 28, Nieuwegein

MixUG – Eindgebruikers Evenement

SDN Event 3 – 6 October 6, Zeist, NL

TechDays October 12-13, 2017 RAI Amsterdam

SharePoint Saturday Belgium 2017, October 21, Brussels BE

SharePoint Unite – October 24-26, 2017, Haarlem

Web Summit – 6-9 November 2017, Lissabon, Portugal

Visual Studio Live! November 12-17 2017 Orlando, FL

As usual we are always looking for presenters for our own events and Meetup’s so if you want to share something about hot technologies or just about something you implemented at work or in an App that could be interesting to our audience let us know so we can schedule you for one or our next SDN events or Dutch .NET Group Meetups.

This off course also goes for if you want to write a great article for us to publish in our SDN Magazines or at our SDN Website. The downside of publishing a magazine article is that there can be some time between writing the article and publishing the magazine. So, if it is time critical sometimes the best option is to publish it on the www.sdn.nl website to get more speedy attention to the article.

As you see, options enough to address your audience with top notch information. You can even, if you like, be our guest in our SDN Cast shows to discuss the projects you are working on or other topics you master. We will instruct you how to connect with us and what it is you need to join the show.

Hopefully we will see you at our weekly web cast, for the schedule go to www.sdncast.nl for next week’s announcement to find out the day and time of our next broadcast or go to www.sdncast.nl/youtube to watch old episodes and videos that we recorded at our events. Don’t forget to subscribe our YouTube channel www.sdncast.nl/subscribe or go directly to YouTube not to miss any of our shows!

SDN Event – Brady Gaster – Developing for Azure on a Mac

SDN Event Brady Gaster II - 800

In our series of SDN Event session recordings we published last Sunday our fourth recording from our 23rd of June SDN Event. This recording is the second session by Brady Gaster: “Developing for Azure on a Mac”


With the introduction of .NET Core, many developers who have previously been married to Windows to do their .NET development are now investigating other platforms. By the same token, many developers familiar to the Mac who have been unable to use .NET are now interested in trying it out but aren’t sure what tools they’ll need. This session will target both audiences and take an intermediate-level tour of how to get started developing .NET applications on a Mac using Visual Studio Code and a series of command-line utilities and extensions. We’ll also investigate how the Azure Tools Extension for Visual Studio Code can be useful when paired with the Azure Portal’s in-browser tools to make developing your Web, Mobile, and RESTful APIs on Azure easy, and how Azure Containers and Docker can bring true portability and flexibility to your DevOps story.

Brady takes you by the hand and shows you the tools you need to develop .NET Core and Azure solutions using a Mac. Using Visual Studio Code and the Azure Tools Extension for Visual Studio Code he goes through his ‘hands-on’ session packed with demos and only a few slides. A joy to watch!

SDN Event – Brady Gaster – Developing for Azure on a Mac

Recordings previously released from the 23rd of June SDN Event.

If you missed the previous recording that we published the last couple of weeks you can still dive in and watch the sessions here online. Oh, and don’t forget to subscribe:

SDN Event – Richard Campbell – Saving The World One App at a Time

SDN Event – Brady Gaster – Getting Started building Visual Studio Code Extensions

SDN Event – Richard Campbell – Keynote: The Development Platform Landscape in 2017

Week 6 SDN Cast News on Windows Developer Day and more

SDNCast 39

This week was the week of the Windows Developer Day – Creators Update, an online event by Microsoft where they shared that he upcoming version of Windows also called the Creators Update is now feature complete. So also the SDK for this Windows version became available for download. And that was not all, there was more. Open sourcing of about twenty UWP controls developed by Telerik are now available for free.

Project Rome, to control applications on other devices, will now get an Android version soon. Bugs and Features are now in the open and published through a special site providing you with some insights on what is about to come, but also how bugs are progressing. Top UserVoice items will also arrive in the list so you can check for yourself to see how this is evolving.

We looked at migrating .json projects to .csproj. Fanie created a Proof of Concept to transform a .json configuration file into a .csproj equivalent and shows us how to get started in a demo.

Also we added some more interviews (Dutch) that we recorded at the by our friends from dotNed organized dotNedSaturday and also created a dedicated playlist for the dotNedSaturday videos. We are not completely finished yet with editing the interviews so there will be some more the upcoming week. The ones we posted so far can be watched here:

dotNedSaturday impression video:

Full dotNedSaturday Playlist:

Where can you find SDN Cast 39?

Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you won’t miss a single episode. Usually we are broadcasting live on Thursday evening 8PM GMT+1 in the winter but it might change depending on how things go that week. If you want to be sure you better subscribe to our channel on YouTube or go to http://www.sdncast.nl to discover when our next show will be planned. It will show you when the next show is starting.

News of the week

Windows Developer Day – Creators Update
See our backlog and completed features, and bugs for the Windows Developer Platform


UI for UWP-Open-sourced Edition

Announcing Project Rome Android SDK


Using SQLite databases in UWP apps

A Wiki for Team Services and TFS

More on GVFS

Announcing .NET Core Tools Updates in VS 2017 RC


Events this week

Windows Developer Day

Code & Comedy – February 8 – Nieuwegein

NAV Event, February 8, 2017, Nuland

Upcoming events

SDN Event 1 – Zeist – March 17, 2017
You can already register, so put it in your scheduler and register!

Microsoft Tech Summit – Amsterdam, March 23-24, 2017

Build – May 10-12, 2017 – Seattle

Techorama – May 22-24, 2017 – Antwerpen, Belgium

NDC Oslo – June 12-16 2017 – Oslo

SDN Event 2 – Zeist – June 23, 2017

Ignite 2017 – September 25-29 – Orlando

SDN Event 3 – Zeist – October 6

We hope you like to watch our SDN Casts. We try to keep up with the news in about an hour a week. You hear what is new and get fun demos on technology and Software Development that you can use in your daily job.

Don’t forget to Subscribe to our channel as we can get a better URL to remember our channel if we reach the number of subscribers needed to add this and make your and our lives a bit easier! And if you haven’t heard if you are the number 100 Subscriber you get something in return! Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3oE_YPB4AJVQSInC-yy3pw?sub_confirmation=1

Go to the website and check when our next broadcast will be!