Help translating Visual Studio Code

Translate VS Code

Last week I found myself in the release notes for the August version of Visual Studio Code in a snapshot of top contributors for this release:


This was fun, and unexpected… What I did was helping to translate strings used in Visual Studio for the Dutch language. I somehow ran into this, I really don’t know how, but I thought it was fun to do so I went over the English texts and titles and translated them into Dutch.

There are still several languages and phrases to be translated, so I’d like to point you to the translation project and hopefully you like to help out as well.

And why not? It would probably speed up the release of your most fav tool around to arrive in your own language!

How to Contribute

Please see general instruction from Getting Started with Community Localization page. Follow these simple steps to contribute.

  1. Sign up to Transifex free.
  2. Request access to a project.
  3. Start contributing. See What to contribute? and how to get help?

Fun factor … compete!

There is even a fun factor, and I’m sure they did this to push translation speed a bit forward Smile but also for internal reporting to show the boss how they got the community to do work for them.

What they did is create a sophisticated Power BI environment to list the progress in the project:

Using this tooling you can see where you are in the list:


So, get over there … select one or more languages and start translating (even if you just translate one or a few, everything helps) to get VS Code out in your language!

Developer Tips – Axialis … Sale!

Developer Tips - Axialis

I’ve pointed to products of Axialis before, even as long as six years ago and guess what … they are still in business. As MVP I am privileged to often get licenses for all sorts of products to try out or for personal use. The is one of the tools in the “What I Use” list that stayed on the list using the Axialis tools, a very easy to use tool to create your own icons.

Besides tools to create icons, cursors or screensavers they created a huge set of fully prepared icons for you to use. This can save you a lot of time, no need to design many of the icons anymore just pick the one you like from the icon sets.

The reason I mention this is a) because I personally like the Axialis tools a lot and b) they currently are close to ending the Summer Sale and provide a 50% discount until August 31st at 

BTW, you can start with using the free options at their website, there are several free options available at their site. The downside is that if you are ready for the other icons and tools you missed the sale Smile. And who wants to spend time design icons vs. building kick ass code?

SDN Conference September 2015

Friday September 11th we are organizing another Dutch SDN Event for 2015 in The Netherlands. With four full tracks of sessions hosted in Zeist in the Achmea Conference Center on:

Microsoft Band – Roy Jansen

Microservices – Dennis van der Stelt

Reverse Engineering and security analyses – Michiel van der Sluis

DevOps and ALM – Hassan Fadili

A special ‘track’, a couple of sessions, on PowerShell with Claus Nielsen from Denmark and Eric Tummers

Cross Platform Development – Klaas Polinder

Extensibility with Chrome apps – Fanie Reynders

Windows Azure SQL Databases – Tobiasz Janusz Koprowski

OWIN – Dennis Doomen

SQL Server Source Control in the Cloud Era  – Tobiasz Janusz Koprowski

Distributed Systems principles – Dennis van der Stelt

Azure Websites – Eelco Koster

TIdTCPClient – Herbert Schrama

REST Web Services with XML – Bob Swart

and last but not least Stephen Ball talking about:

Azure Translator Services with Delphi

IoT and Delphi

InterBase XE7 & Change Views

In other words a lot to go and see in one day! For the full descriptions and to register, visit our SDN Event page:

Make sure you will be there, not only to learn but to network with peers as well or get your printed copy of the SDN Magazine!. See you there!

WinDiff and other ‘old’ tools in Visual Studio 2010

It’s always nice when I try to find a certain tool and GooBinging for it and in the end showing me an old blogpost from …. me, myself and I, pointing in the right direction.

The blogpost in this case was:

WinDiff and other ‘old’ tools in Visual Studio 2008

It showed me where I could find some old tools I used before and occasionally need again.

The post is now three years old, but it still is ‘almost’ right. Just enough to give me the pointer to where to find what I was looking for. And as I’m pretty sure that I will go and search for it again in about three years from now I’ll do a repeat and update it a bit to fit the Visual Studio 2010 scenario.

Here we go!

Ever wondered where all your ‘old’ but favorite tools resided in Visual Studio 2010? Are they removed?

I needed a tool called WinDiff to see what is changed between two textfiles and that tool did work for me in most cases. There is however no menu item in Visual Studio 2010 as there used to be in early versions of Visual Studio.

Check out folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin or
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin

That is, if you installed Visual Studio with the installations defaults and depending on how many bits your processor likes.

It appeared the tools are still there. Take a look at the other tools in the same location. I’m sure you will recognize a lot of them!

See you in three years for an update of this blogpost to reflect the new times!